Friday, January 29, 2010

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid 3 Fish,Jack Dempsey,electric Yellow & Powder Blue Cichlid's Can Or Will They Mate?

3 fish,Jack Dempsey,electric yellow & powder blue cichlid's can or will they mate? - electric blue jack dempsey cichlid

It is very rare that different breeds of fish to reproduce together, only a few fish kept together and it requires much time, money and space for adults and children will probably die, hybrid (a fish has two different parents of 2 different types) are extremely demanding and barren spoil the whole chain of fresh fish.

And the fish are probably the top 30 countries, bringing together at least.

Race some other fish of the same type and have fun!

Good luck!


Deren said...

In the first place should not be mixed with Jack Dempsey cichlids.Demseys South Africans and are not mixed together, but also very large. African Cichlids can cross the carpet, but is frowned upon

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